Aman: Corruption Reproting App for AMAN Association

The AMAN application is the first and most secure platform for receiving and providing legal advice to victims and witnesses of corruption. It serves as a tool to engage citizens in efforts to strengthen integrity systems, combat corruption, and promote a culture of societal accountability.
If you suspect or witness corruption or mismanagement, follow these steps:
Click "Share!"
Fill out the first section with information related to the case.
Add any supporting documents, or upload a photo or video from your phone to document the case.
Enter information about the person submitting the case (optional), which will be kept strictly confidential.
The AMAN application also provides access to local and international news related to integrity and anti-corruption. Additionally, it offers a platform for answering frequently asked questions about integrity values, transparency principles, and accountability systems.
Join us today as a partner in anti-corruption efforts and in monitoring public finances and affairs.
- Usually NGO's ditch outputs of a project once its' duration ended.
- OR client transferred it to in-house maintenance following a training from ProVision.
- OR client transferred it to another company for low budget feature requests that does not satisfy ProVision.