ProVision for Websites & Mobile Apps Design and Development


ProVision builds custom yet powerful systems of all types: Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning System (MEAL), Management Information System (MIS), Geographic Information System (GIS), Project Management System (PMIS), Financial System, Digital Archiving System (DAS) and more.We make the magic workflow and master the user interface (UI) & art the user experience (UX) no matter how complex the system is.

Tens of systems built for high-end clients.

Interactive Geospatial Data Platform

Interactive Geospatial Data Platform

for PRCS

Geospatial data platform that marks hazards, exposures and capacities in Palestine, for PRCS, funded by Spanish Red Cross.

Data Entry Application for In-Person Surveys to Feed MIS

Data Entry Application for In-Person Surveys to Feed MIS

for UCS

Surveys data is sent to the system (MIS) by UCS personnel, using android app installed on a tablet, in which the system analyzes and filters based on specific criteria by the administrator.

E-Learning Portal With Exams

E-Learning Portal With Exams

for ICRC

A portal where users can take online trainings & quizzes for ICRC.

Digital Archiving System for Administrative, Financial and Project Documents

Digital Archiving System for Administrative, Financial and Project Documents

for Palestinian Non-Govermental Organizations Network

An archiving system based on user privileges, file versioning, sharing and comments.

Employment National Portal for Govermental Job Matching

Employment National Portal for Govermental Job Matching

for Palestinian Fund for Employment

Unemployed Palestinians shall explore and apply to jobs published by official Palestinian institutes.

Front End Design (UI/UX) for Government Procurement Portal

Front End Design (UI/UX) for Government Procurement Portal

for The Higher Council for Public Procurement Policies

The official governmental portal for procurement in Palestine.
